the TEAM project "AMON"
:: Project AMON „ Atomic and molecular level devising of functional nanostructures for magnetic and catalytic applications” is operated within the Foundation for Polish Science Team Programme co-financed by the EU European Regional Development Fund.
:: The project is implemented by the Joint AGH-ICSC Surface and Nanostructure Laboratory from March 1, 2009 to February 28, 2013.
:: AMON is related to nano-magnetism and model catalysis. Different functionality - whether magnetic or catalytic - is dependent on atomic and molecular interactions amongst the system’s subcomponents. The key idea of the project is the modelling of magnetic and catalytic functionality using epitaxial nanostructures on surfaces.
:: The project involves broad international cooperation.
:: The financial support is mainly dedicated to young scientists: students, PhD students or young Post-docs (up to 4 years after PhD) who will be selected in an open competition procedure that is carried out on international level.