Our group
We are a scientific group of the AGH University of Science and Technology forming a Joint Surface and Nanostructure Laboratory with Institute of Catalysis and Surface Chemistry of Polish Academy of Sciences in Kraków.
We are working on a range of nanotechnology projects that are designed to make, model and characterize nanoscale structures, surfaces and its features with a special emphasis on magnetic and catalytic properties of these systems.


ELMITEC Low Energy Electron and Photoemission Electron Microscopes (LEEMIII and PEEMIII) have been installed in our laboratory.
“Atomic and molecular level devising of functional nanostructures for magnetic and catalytic applications”.
12-16.04.2011 Zakopane

Non-collinear magnetization structure at the thickness driven spin reorientation transition
in epitaxial Fe films on W(110)
Phys. Rev. Let. 105 (2010) 027206
An in-plane spin reorientation transition (SRT) occuring during the growth of epitaxial Fe films on W(110) was studied in situ using the nuclear resonant scattering of synchrotron radiation. The SRT originates at the Fe/W(110)interface and proceeds via non-collinear spin structure resembling a planar domain wall that propagates towars the surface with increasing film thickness.
The magnetization structure during the thickness-induced SRT for the Fe/W(110) system as derived from the NRS measurements using a five sublayer model. The sublayer magnetization vectors are represented by red arrows.

Movie of magnetization reversal of Fe/MgO/Fe trilayer. Wedge-shaped MgO spacer thickness ranges from 1.5Å to 6Å. The arrow indicates the direction of the spacer thickness increase. The solid line separates two regions of the sample: above the line Fe/MgO/Fe trilayer was grown directly on polished MgO(001) substrate while below the line the trilayer was deposited on the MgO substrate precoated by the epitaxial MgO buffer. External magnetic field was applied along Fe(001) easy magnetization axis (sample diagonal) and its magnitude changes from -1200Oe to 1200Oe.
We are partner in the SPINLAB project
"National Center of Magnetic Nanostuctures for Applications in Spin Electronics"
coordinated by Institute of Molecular Physics

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- Phd Students
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